What a lovely day! What a splendid day. School was alright, band was fun, but home is wonderful! My mother and I really leveled out and it all started because I asked her if my outfit matched (which it did, score!). Well she told me she had some Puca Shells, and it just took off from there. You see, tomorrow's outfit is basically fucshia and white and I needed a pop of color, which happens to be this real nice aqua. So we go on a mission to find these fucshia and aqua shells and it was like an hour of just delving into my mother's treasure jewlery box. We went through all kinds of things, braclets made of fake gold that my mother kept from her great aunt, hoop earrings she found on the street, even her little pin she had on her favorite childhood coat. The part that made me cry (inside) was when I found my mother and father's wedding bands. Background: In Russia, they don't really give out the gaudy diamond engagement ring like how they do in America, also my dad was not exactly rich. So I found this wooden box with H and C written together in a fancy script (think of the beginning letter of a fairy tale book). (H and C? H = N(atalie) and C = S(ergei), Russian letters, yo). So I open it up and there are these two simple gold bands and on the inside of my Dad's it says "Natalie, Leningrad (What Saint Petersburg was called during Communism), 14 X (X = Roman Numeral 10) 1990" and on the inside of my mother's it says "Sergei, Leningrad, 14 X 1990". I thought it was so sweet. My father didnt have enough money to splurge on humongous rings for the both of them but he did what he could and had a special box made for the rings and had them ingraved. I love my family. So then my mom offered me all kinds of rings and bracelets and I soooo wanted to take them but I felt bad, like my mom took her life collecting these things, mostly heirlooms, but then again she has passed that age where a lady can only wear diamonds. So. Maybe you will see new jewelry?
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