
Sunshine, Sunshine Is Fine.
I can't wait. It seems like it took forever to get here and now that it's here, it doesn't feel like it. This rain, this chill is pushing back my full enjoyment of summer. But don't you know, when its overly hot, I'll be the first one to say something like "I WISH IT WAS RAINING!". Oh Fickle Man! I've been able to quickly put outfits together these days. Today was a black, grey, white and yellow outfit that actually worked. I'll probably wear it on Monday or Tuesday, whichever is the more gross day. I went shopping with my mom the other day and picked out some nice skirts, can't wait to be able to use them. I've made a vow, FYI, which states the skirts will be worn at least 4 days out of 7 days. (Dresses may be worn as well) I would like to buy a sash, a large sun hat and a few more choice items that will truly make the outfit. Also, I made specific dates by which certain summer work pieces shall be done. I MUST ABIDE BY THIS! must go and finish studying/planning tomorrows outfit!

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