
august is half over already. less time for summer. it seems like there is this huge clock somewhere around the corner from my house or deep in the corners of my mind that just keeps ticking. like the single tapping of the drumstick in "whalebones" by Man Man. 59, 58, 57, 56, 55 ... on and on. ceaseless. summer is basically over and what have i done? i've started a blog, read 3 books, went across the world, wore mostly skirts and dresses, but there is so much more to do. college applications already? more summer work? clean my room before band camp! it seems i've run into a dead end and junior year frights have returned. already i feel like i should gasp for air, enclosed like a bricked-up allyway around me. only way out is up. i've got to "take a bite of the bullet" and climb. problem? no motivation. breathing isn't that important! AH! damnit. this blog was supposed to be an outlet. and now here i am motivating myself (maybe you reader? want to get some work done?) oh well. i like the similie. 54, 53, 52, 51, 50 .....

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